Woof Wags Not For Eating… Momma Says
We had a blast, but now I don’t feel so gweat… (I’ms the culprit on the left, broder Boone warned me)
I Eat What I Wuv, + I Wuv… Everything (Lesson Not Learned)
I sure do wuv my bandanas but momma says I treat them like a toy. She puts me in a size Medium instead of a Large so I can’t reach them with my teeth. Smart momma. Sad doggie. I go look for socks, now. My human sissy hides socks, I find and eat socks. I throw socks up. Momma throws sock out and isn’t very happy with sissy or me.
But, I rather enjoyed the time I ate an entire cover of a crate pad. It was deee-wicious. But my tummy ached after. Momma took me to the vet and they x-rayed. That wasn’t fun because I had to lay still and I’m a wiggle-butt ball of energy times 1,000.
Then the nice people at the vet gave me a treat and a tube in my leg. I got awful tired. Me wanted to play but they wanted me to sweeeeeeep. So I did. It was such a good nap.
I woke up and my tummy insides didn’t hurt but my tummy outsides did. I had to wear ‘Da Cone of Shame’ and me pup siblings tried not to laugh but I couldn’t walk straight and preferred pretending there wasn’t something blocking my way. I ran into everything.
When Da Cone of Shame came off, my belly was shaved. I gasped! Me naked is not paw-rty. I also had a scar and staples and… sheesh. I’d wather not wemember.
My broder, Boone, made sure the cone didn’t gobble-wobble me up while I swept.
Momma said the deeee-wicious bed cost her over two thousand buckaroos to remove. I don’t think that was a good thing, but she still pet me and gave me good treats so it must not have been that bad.
So now I wear bandanas that are short. She also made me paw-rty bows and flowers for my collar. I don’t know because I can’t reach them. Sad doggie. But the pup in the mirror was wearing paw-rty bows and flowers so I guess it’s fine.
Woof Wags + Co. Boho Flower Slips on Collar
Woof Wags + Co. Petal Bow Slips on Collar
The Petal bows and Boho flowers are paw-rty so I thought I’d share with you. Don’t I look paw-some! Momma said I could have ten Boho flower bows if I wanted since each slides on individually, but I wuv da three I’ms wearing.
(Momma wanted me to mention that it isn’t a good idea to eat Woof Wags + Co. gear. She said it’s a tummy ache for dog and human. We should probably believe her.)