Generous Customers Donate to Support Pets in Ukraine… Here’s What You Did!
I know you’ve seen all the social media posts and news reports about the war in Ukraine and a quest for peace, and most likely saw posts about stranded pets, older pets being carried over the border by their owners, abandoned pets being rescued and so much more devastation that breaks your heart.
Our family wanted to help these pets and their owners so they could have a little peace of mind knowing their pets might have a chance too, either with them or with a shelter.
We designed a snood to bring awareness to the events in Ukraine, using the blue and yellow colors of their flag and a sunflower, their national flower and a symbol of peace. All profits from the purchase of this snood will be sent to help pets in Ukraine through the (Humane Society International).
We offered this snood to our customers and had such a wonderful response. It made my heart squeeze to know so many people want to help. Read on to see our photos of the making of this snood, and the results for March’s donation.
Sunflowers in the Making… Getting ready to add these to snoods.nstagram @cricketthecav

We still have some fabric left and snoods for purchase with all profits being donated. If you’re interested in having one of these Sunflower Snoods, check out our listing on Etsy.